Barley the kitten still a lady-killer, at least for another month

Barley is having a bit of a good news/bad news sort of day.

On the one hand, he didn’t end up having surgery today. He was supposed to get neutered, but since it didn’t happen, there was no anesthesia, no painful recovery, no stitches. Yay.

On the other hand, he wasn’t allowed to have surgery because he’s too small*. He’s still only about 2.5 pounds. And the folks at the SPCA said he’s not gaining weight as fast as his brothers (who I assume were back at the SPCA to be neutered today, too).

He wasn’t allowed to eat or drink after midnight last night, in preparation for the surgery. So chalk up another one on the bad news side of things, as we made him fast for nothing.

But that all means I’m allowed to spoil him with wet food to try to get him to put on more weight. Yay.

Even though he didn’t get the surgery, he had an exciting day. Aside from staying at the SPCA for a couple of hours, he also came into the pet store with me to restock our wet food supplies. He made googly eyes at the little girl in line with her mom behind us at the checkout counter, and at the girl at the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru.

The lady-killer is still on the prowl, at least for another month.

* The vet said he thinks Barley might be a couple weeks younger than the SPCA estimated, which would theoretically mean the cat isn’t as underweight as they think he is. If he’s two or three weeks younger, then being a half-pound underweight sounds about right to me. Part of me wonders if Barley’s brothers are just porking out. I’ll bring that up when we go to the vet next week for more shots.

Pet owners: What do you do when you get mixed instructions or opinions on caring for your little one? Whose advice do you take?

One thought on “Barley the kitten still a lady-killer, at least for another month

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