The case of the dog on the roof

So one thing that happened during Friendstoberfeast earned its own post.

There was a dog on a roof.

It wasn’t my roof, or else the whole thing would have been much easier to deal with. Several houses around the corner have attached roofs, and the dog was barking and running across several of the roofs.

A couple of the guys who saw the dog knocked on the doors where the dog might have come from, but nobody answered. Animal control wasn’t open, since it was Sunday. So we called 911, which likely landed us on the police scanner at the YDR newsroom.

I don’t have any idea what happened to the dog. There was a slightly ajar window with a ledge that it could have climbed out of, and then not known how to get back inside.

It wasn’t still up there after the party. I hope it’s OK. PSA: Don’t let your dog on the roof.

Side note: In digging up these tweets, I searched on Twitter for the phrase “dog on a roof.” Shockingly, this isn’t as rare as you’d think. Enjoy here and here (dog on the roof, which gets a little political).